
July 2016 - December 2019

I first met Malik Piara, a young dreamer, back when I was 15 (August, 2016). Ever since, we've developed many projects in and out of Upframe, which was at the time, a pre-acceleration programme whom target was recent graduates (young adults ranging from 21-24 years old).

That was my very first serious website I've developed. It took the small team of 3 people - 2 developers (me and @hacdias) and 1 designer (@juauz) - only two weeks to design and develop the entire website.

The website use case was to present and explain the pre-acceleration programme organisation. We had a handful of amazing mentors who sat with the group of (around) 10 people to teach them about a certain matter. It ranged from Collaborative Design to Business Models and Sales. More than half of these participants have businesses running as of today, 31st of December 2020 but most importantly, they were changed by this programme.

The tech stack was composed by:

  • Vanilla JS
  • Hugo
  • Node.js (Gulp)
  • Markdown

Upframe Pre-Acceleration Programme Website

Despite the pre-acceleration programme being adopted by Startup Lisboa, only to become the in-house mentorship programme, we soon realised our technological power was beyond Portugal's standards.

After months of thinking and self-development we concluded there was (and still is) a lack of mentorship to the promising ecosystem to develop a mentorship platform from scratch to connect aspiring entrepreneurs and successful professionals and mentors in all areas of the tech industry. The tech stack used was:

  • Node.js (Express and MySQL)
  • Typescript
  • React
  • AWS

I led the development of the platform until December 2019, point at which I left. It was due to the desire to focus on freelancing and personal development.

However, take a look into the webapp as of now:

Upframe Connect